
How do you get a COTS package to fit your business?
You Can’t Connect The Dots Looking Forward; You Can Only Connect Them Looking Backward. Steve Jobs These days it is widely accepted that buying Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) applications

I have just seen a software package that will solve all our problems
Any darn fool can make something complex; it takes a genius to make something simple. Pete Seeger sums up the problem with organisations buying software without proper analysis as business

The G20 and You
Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer In every workplace staff will happily discuss the challenges that they face day to day, yet they

Gap in the market
Winston Churchill said “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm” and by that mark many of us can give ourselves a pat on the back.

Analyse for Success
There is no doubt that developments in technology is presenting huge opportunities for organisations. Who wouldn’t want a driverless car (except taxi drivers) or an intelligent machine that could do

Driving Innovation
The key to any organisation driving innovation is knowing the organisation, understanding key strengths, weaknesses, competitors, customer satisfaction and ultimately values of the organisation. Business process modeling is the best